Welcome to VanderHouwen!

We are excited to have you as part of the VanderHouwen family! Please let us know how we can serve you. As always, we warmly welcome referrals for both candidates and clients. If you have a referral please contact your Recruiter, or you may send an email to hr@vanderhouwen.com. Cheers!

If you have questions regarding your onboarding paperwork/employee forms (W-4, direct deposit, benefits, etc.) or VanderHouwen company policies and procedures, please email hr@vanderhouwen.com or call 503.299.6811 and ask for a member of our HR team. For information on benefits plans, please refer to our benefits portal, Flock: www.helloflock.com.

If you have questions about submitting your hours or expenses, or about your paychecks, please email timesheets@vanderhouwen.com. The team will assist you with any inquiries.

To access copies of paystubs and W2s, please visit https://access.paylocity.com/. Your username and password were assigned when you completed your onboarding paperwork. If you need assistance with your username and password, please email payroll@vanderhouwen.com.

All planned time off should be pre-approved by your Client Manager. Once it has been approved, please email the dates you will be absent from work to hr@vanderhouwen.com and your Recruiter. If you are going to miss work for any reason (illness, family emergency, etc.), please inform your Client Manager immediately as well as hr@vanderhouwen.com and your Recruiter.

Any changes in address or contact information should be updated in your self-service Paylocity payroll portal.

For any questions or issues regarding your assignment, please email hr@vanderhouwen.com. Please keep your Recruiter informed as well. IT and Engineering contractors may also contact our Consultant Services Specialist, Sara Powell (sara@vanderhouwen.com).

Once your project begins, please send your work email address to hr@vanderhouwen.com.

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